The Holy Spirit is not a feeling or experience.
The Holy Spirit is God, a part of the Trinity.
We have a relationship with God through His Spirit.
He is the Comforter and Helper.
He teaches us and reveals Truth to us.
He empowers us.
He fights for us and even prays for us.
He is the only way we can bear fruit.
Apart from Him, our work is meaningless.
We have the Holy Spirit, because of our salvation through Jesus.
In the Old Testament, God's people only experienced the Holy Spirit in moments for appointed times and purposes. God would send His Spirit to work in certain situations or to anoint a person for a time. God's presence was very limited.
Appointed leaders and High Priests were mediators between God and people.
In the temple. Behind the veil. The very presence of God.
So close, but so separate.
Jesus has opened up a direct relationship for us.
The veil is torn. (Matthew 27:51)
You, as a child of God, as a follower of Jesus, are now a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? 1 Corinthians 6:19
We take the Spirit for granted, and He is often misunderstood.
He is essential, though, to living out the abundant life God offers.
He is also essential to the mission Jesus has given us.
Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples, to spread the gospel. But, the next part speaks volumes.
He told them to wait.
If you were writing this story... If you were the one responsible for launching God's church...
You would likely begin with an itinerary, a schedule, a game-plan. You would probably start divvying out assignments, telling them to hurry up and get moving.
But, Jesus said wait.
Before he ascended to Heaven, Jesus said,
"And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven." Luke 24:49 (and repeated again in Acts 1)
These men were witnesses to Jesus' death and resurrection. They had heard every sermon and instruction. They had seen His love and life firsthand.
If anyone was prepared... If anyone knew the words to say... If anyone had a testimony...
it was these men.
But, it's not enough.
The right words. The right intentions. The passion.
It's not enough, it's meaningless without the Holy Spirit.
Only the Spirit changes lives.
Only the Spirit speaks into a person's heart.
We are vessels of the Spirit.
We need Him.
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